Lewis and Adam: I
By: QW

Lewis and I had been friends since before I could remember. Besides sharing interests in fast cars, swimming and working out at the gym, something made me feel safe about being in the company of a 6’8, 220lb giant. Lewis’ huge frame stood proud and mighty, his pecs stretching his tight T-shirt whilst his thick arms tensed the elastic in his sleeve almost to breaking point. I loved how Lewis always took the attention off myself; a short, skinny yet toned figure. Yet at the same time, I couldn’t help but feel inadequate and powerless to help Lewis against the taunts he received almost daily.


Lewis crashed the bar on the bench press back on the peg. I looked up across the empty gym to see Kyle’s sneering face staring right back.

“Look who I found, little ‘n’ large havin’ late night love time at the gym again! Dammit, don’t you think you’re freakish enough without getting freakishly bigger, freak? An’ what about you smalltime? You not heard the gym don’t make you any taller dipshit?”

Lewis sat up from the bench, his eyes trained and focussed on Kyle’s returning gaze. Here we go again, I thought. This had happened hundreds of times before, with increasing frequency since we’d both moved to college. Some cocky idiot would run their mouth off to Lewis not realising his long, muscled legs would let him close in much faster than they could run away. Lewis would then punish them in a variety of ways depending on his mood; from a simple crunching punch to the nose, to grappling their body and crushing their skull between his bicep. All the time, I’d stand meekly in Lewis’ shadow and watch. It made me feel so powerless, so depressed, that Lewis was always the one to deal with anyone that threatened us. Well today was going to be different!

“You want to say that again?!”

Pure hate was flowing through my veins. This time, I was going to deal with this ‘problem’ myself. Pacing towards Kyle, I could tell he was almost mocking me, that he felt my presence too insignificant to barely acknowledge. I stopped squarely infront of his chest, my head tilted slightly backwards to meet his foot-taller stare.

“Get outta here! If the big freak wants rid of me, he’ll have to do it himself!”

Kyle pushed my chest, making me recoil a few steps. As if possessed, I leaped forwards, my hands gripping his shoulders.


My words trailed. As I squeezed my fingers into his shoulder, my vision went completely blank. I could feel a certain light-headedness, like I was about to decend into a deep trance. For a split second, my senses stopped. Everything was calm. Then, as quickly as this feeling came on, I returned to full consciousness with a sudden jolt.

What had happened? Kyle had gone. I slowly turned round to Lewis, who looked at me in disbelief. I could feel something in the palm of my hand. I looked down to see what it was…

“What the fu..? What have you done to me?! You are so gonna pay for this when I tell the boys! They’re gonna fuckin’ chew both you freaks up an’ spit ya out!”

“Oh really” I mused. Sitting in my palm was Kyle, no taller than six inches. How had this happened? I didn’t care. I felt so powerful in myself, more than ever before, liquid adrenaline pouring through my veins. “…and that ‘freak’ over there? He’s not gonna chew you. Spit you out? Haha, I’m afraid that’s not on the cards either”

I paced over to Lewis, still sat on the bench. I looked at him and gave him a wry, evil smile. The return look Lewis gave suggested he knew exactly what I was planning to do with Kyle. I could tell he couldn’t wait to destroy Kyle, to humiliate him in the most horrific way possible. Wrapping my fingers around Kyle’s miniscule body, I raised him to give a full view of Lewis.

“You see that bicep?” I whispered as Lewis lifted his huge arm and flexed. Tonight, it’s gonna be bigger, all thanks to you”

“What? Get outta here! Let me down!” Kyle snapped. He was clearly shaken at the surreal set of events that had occurred. I on the otherhand was relishing taking advantage of my newfound power.

“You’re gonna be all mine” Lewis taunted, licking his lips as he gave Kyle a coy smile.

“No way man!” Kyle screamed. “I’m so sorry, damn, I swear I’ll never say anything to either of you again! I’ll give you my car, money, I can get you anything you want! Anything…”

“No. You have insulted him. You will make amends to him by offering him your body”. I almost couldn’t believe I was saying this. It felt almost like a dream, that any second I would wake up and return to my old weak self. This was reality though. Not only could I shrink anyone at will, but Lewis was more than happy to aid in their ‘disposal’, proven by the fact a 9-inch rod had decided to pitch a tent in his gym shorts. This was it; I was going to go all out, no holding back. Kyle would be made to pay.

“Look, look at his superior physique, look at how he exudes pure power. He is closer to being a God than a man. You should be honoured that you are about to feed him”

With that, I stepped forward and held Kyle over Lewis’ head. With a wide grin, Lewis tipped his head back and opened his mouth, ready to receive his little squirming protein snack.

“People like you have no purpose” I continued. “You mock magnificent creatures such as him for your kicks. Well now you finally have a purpose, Kyle. Your protein will be put to very good use, I assure you!”

Kyle was now sobbing and begging uncontrollably. He could feel the warmth of Lewis’ breath rise up from the maw directly below him. Lewis’ tongue tickled and brushed against his feet, enticing him to join the slick warmth inside his body. Had he not known that the tongue was part of the very thing trying to envelop, imprison and destroy him, he would happily have submitted himself to its soft, massaging strokes.

“It’s time, Kyle” I smiled. “This isn’t the end for you…it’s a whole new beginning.” Those words echoed in Kyle’s ears as I released my grasp on him, sending him falling into Lewis’ waiting mouth. He bounced over the tip of Lewis’ tongue sending him sliding feet-first down the slippery pink slide. Desperate to avoid disappearing down Lewis’ throat and from the world altogether, he flailed his arms trying to create enough friction to stop his descent. Just as he grabbed enough of a hold, he felt his legs being gripped and sucked deeper by Lewis’ throat muscles. He thought he could hold. However, for every miniscule amount of ground he lost, the throat muscles grabbed even more of his legs, pulling harder and harder, deeper and deeper. Eventually Kyle had no choice but to succumb to his fate. His grip eased as he accelerated down Lewis’ eager throat. Before he completely disappeared, he looked up to see the light one last time before he was sucked down the hungry gullet.

“Has he gone?” I asked, eager to know exactly what was happening to Lewis’ meal.

“He’s here…” Lewis boasted, his finger trailing down his throat, over his huge pecs and stopping to rest on his bulging abdominals. “Come listen” he beckoned, grasping my head and pulling it under his T-shirt so I could rest my ear against his chiselled rocks. I could hear Lewis’ heartbeat, slow and strong, alongside a fainter, almost inaudible tapping sound. I smiled. Kyle was exactly where he belonged. Lewis sighed a deep, satisfied breath. For the first time I felt I had a use to Lewis, that only through me could he give those bullies the punishment he deemed they truly deserved. Hitting them only made them come back for more. Sucking them in, assimilating them into his body then blowing out whatever was left was a more permanent, efficient way of dealing with them.

Lewis sat back and closed his eyes, savouring the desperate struggles deep within him. My head lay across his stomach under his shirt, keenly listening to what was happening underneath those layers of muscle. Noticing the tip of his cock twitching as it craved attention, I reached down into his gym shorts and softly massaged his throbbing tool. Lewis wrapped his thick arm around my body in response, pulling me closer to him in a locking embrace. The atmosphere was so serene. So safe. So relaxing.

Unfortunately for Kyle, things were anything but relaxing. Lewis’ stomach had detected solid, high-quality protein in it and set about converting it into a nutritious soup. Kyle’s pounding against the stretchy stomach wall did little good, especially when the walls recoiled to crush him and mix him with the copious amounts of burning acid dripping in all around him. Lewis’ stomach didn’t care that its contents were blindly writhing around as they were digesting alive. All it cared about was providing enough nutrition for Lewis’ body to grow bigger and stonger.

The rumbling, churning and glooping sounds I could hear coming from behind Lewis’ abdominals got progressively louder and stronger. Lucky Kyle, I thought. Soon he’ll be nothing but pure muscle, belonging totally to Lewis. What can’t be used, what is impure, will simply be collected into a huge turd and blown out the next morning. As I mulled this thought over, Lewis flexed his abs tight and gave a rippling belch. The tapping sounds I could hear in his gut slowly stopped, replaced by an even louder groaning and gurgling sound. Kyle was no more.

The drive home was quiet, as you’d expect in the early hours of the morning. My mind was torn in two; one half completely amazed and turned on by what had happened earlier in the night. The other half was gripped with fear. What would happen if we were caught? Although the old college gym had no cameras, someone would realise Kyle had disappeared. So what if they did though? There was no murder weapon. No body. It was perfect. Could we get away with it again? I decided to hold that thought until another time.

Lewis suggested I crash for the night at his house. His parents were away on business and only his older brother Adam was around. Creeping up the stairs to his bedroom, I fell over some magazines on a step, hitting the ground with a thud.

“Shh!” Lewis whispered. “Don’t wake Adam up! He’s pissed off enough already!”

I closed Lewis’ room door and hit the deck, exhausted from the night’s activities. Lewis was already flat-out in bed, his huge frame naked except for some tight white boxers around his waist.

“Why’s your brother always so pissed off?” I asked, hoping to create a more normal conversation after the extraordinary events which had happened earlier.

“That’s just how he is. He’s extra pissed off now though because someone’s stolen his protein at college ” Lewis chuckled. “Hey…maybe you could help him out a little…”

I grinned to myself. “No way…the protein’s all for you. Speaking of which, how’s our little friend coming along?”

He feels awesome. Just firing him round my guts now. Soon he’ll be in my muscles. Then you can feel how much bigger he’s made them!”

I’d have to remember not to pass that opportunity up. For now however, it was late and we both had college tomorrow morning. I turned over, soothed to sleep by the low grumblings of Lewis’ digestion.

The End

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